
here we go.....

Lots of exciting things going on around here!
Busily busily preparing for a couple of shows coming up - see the events page for the 411 on that. And there will be a whole new product line coming out - something I have been dreaming about - that may be too dramatic - but it has been on my heart for some time now & I can't wait to introduce you all to it.
It will serve all types of purposes - a blessing for your family, your friends & as always, to help the cause of the orphan.
You have been so generous in your support of this ministry - you have helped families move down the road of adoption - which means you have helped children move steps closer to being a part of a family, you have touched children who remain in orphanages, you have been a part of 5 specific children's lives as they grow together in a group home setting with a loving caregiver. You have acted as the hands & the feet of Jesus in caring for one another.
I am eager to get this Neema shop back up & running.
And I will.
And in the meantime, make sure you come see me at the events coming up. And help spread the word!

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